Are you suspecting that your partner is being unfaithful? It is reasonably common that one partner in a long term relationship may suspect that their spouse is cheating due to changes in behaviours, activities or routines. Probably the worst part of this situation is suspecting but not knowing. Our Private Investigators at TSNA DETCECTIVE AGENCY in Kolkata are experienced in handling such matters and are here to help.
So what should you do if you think your partner is cheating on you?
The first step is to call us on 7980289855 or log on to and tell us your concerns. We will listen to you and help you to decide what to do next. We will provide you an assessment of what is needed and how much it will cost. At TSNA PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY IN KOLKATA we have over 9 years’ experience in handling matrimonial investigations. We understand the sensitivity of the situation and the importance of confidentiality and discretion.
What are the signs of a cheating partner?
Many clients from Kolkata have contacted us with concerns described as their ‘gut instinct’ that their partner is being unfaithful.
They describe behavioral changes such as belittling comments directly towards them, becoming distant and difficult to communicate with or becoming argumentative. Clients have described drastic routine changes by their partner. Their partner is suddenly having to work late, arranging evenings out with their ‘friends’ or taking up new hobbies without you. Personal grooming is a sure give away. Often the partner suddenly upgrades his/ her appearance. Excessive texting to ‘friends’ and change of phone and computer passwords or deleting the history on their computer is another sign of their dishonesty.
Obviously, some of these behavioral changes may be nothing more than a ‘New Year’s resolution’ to make an effort, however when a few of these changes crop up together, it might be that your concerns are justified.